如果是 Linux/MacOS 系统,可以通过以下命令安装:brew tap k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt
brew install k8sgpt
RPM 包可以通过以下命令安装:curl -LO https://github.com/k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt/releases/download/v0.3.4/k8sgpt_amd64.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh -i k8sgpt_amd64.rpm
DEB 包可以通过以下命令安装:curl -LO https://github.com/k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt/releases/download/v0.3.4/k8sgpt_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i k8sgpt_amd64.deb
目前默认的 AI 提供者是 OpenAI,所以我们需要从 OpenAI 生成 API 密钥,可以通过运行 k8sgpt generate
然后运行 k8sgpt auth add
- podAnalyzer
- pvcAnalyzer
- rsAnalyzer
- serviceAnalyzer
- eventAnalyzer
- ingressAnalyzer
- statefulSetAnalyzer
- deploymentAnalyzer
- cronJobAnalyzer
- nodeAnalyzer
- hpaAnalyzer
- pdbAnalyzer
- networkPolicyAnalyzer
然后我们就可以通过运行 k8sgpt analyze
命令来分析集群中的问题,例如:k8sgpt analyze --namespace kube-system
该命令会将 kube-system
在 analyze
命令后我们可以添加 --filter
或者 --namespace
参数来过滤分析的对象,例如:k8sgpt analyze --explain --filter=Pod --namespace=default
如果想要获取 AI 的解决方案,可以添加 --explain
参数,例如:k8sgpt analyze --explain --namespace=kube-system
该命令会将 kube-system
命名空间中的所有资源对象的事件提取出来,并且通过 AI 来获取解决方案。
当然如果我们不添加任何过滤参数,那么 analyze
该工具的实现方式比较简单,核心的 analyze
var AnalyzeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "analyze",
Aliases: []string{"analyse"},
Short: "This command will find problems within your Kubernetes cluster",
Long: `This command will find problems within your Kubernetes cluster and
provide you with a list of issues that need to be resolved`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// AnalysisResult configuration
config, err := analysis.NewAnalysis(backend,
language, filters, namespace, nocache, explain, maxConcurrency)
if err != nil {
color.Red("Error: %v", err)
if explain {
err := config.GetAIResults(output, anonymize)
if err != nil {
color.Red("Error: %v", err)
// print results
output, err := config.PrintOutput(output)
if err != nil {
color.Red("Error: %v", err)
可以看到 analyze
命令的核心是通过 analysis.NewAnalysis
函数来创建一个 AnalysisResult
对象,然后通过 config.RunAnalysis()
函数来运行分析器,最后通过 config.PrintOutput
而 config.RunAnalysis()
func (a *Analysis) RunAnalysis() {
activeFilters := viper.GetStringSlice("active_filters")
coreAnalyzerMap, analyzerMap := analyzer.GetAnalyzerMap()
analyzerConfig := common.Analyzer{
Client: a.Client,
Context: a.Context,
Namespace: a.Namespace,
AIClient: a.AIClient,
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, a.MaxConcurrency)
// if there are no filters selected and no active_filters then run coreAnalyzer
if len(a.Filters) == 0 && len(activeFilters) == 0 {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mutex sync.Mutex
for _, analyzer := range coreAnalyzerMap {
semaphore <- struct{}{}
go func(analyzer common.IAnalyzer, wg *sync.WaitGroup, semaphore chan struct{}) {
defer wg.Done()
results, err := analyzer.Analyze(analyzerConfig)
if err != nil {
a.Errors = append(a.Errors, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", reflect.TypeOf(analyzer).Name(), err))
a.Results = append(a.Results, results...)
}(analyzer, &wg, semaphore)
// ...... 省略部分代码
可以看到 RunAnalysis
函数的核心是通过 analyzer.GetAnalyzerMap()
函数来获取所有的分析器,然后通过 coreAnalyzerMap
来运行所有的分析器,最后通过 analyzer.Analyze
var coreAnalyzerMap = map[string]common.IAnalyzer{
"Pod": PodAnalyzer{},
"Deployment": DeploymentAnalyzer{},
"ReplicaSet": ReplicaSetAnalyzer{},
"PersistentVolumeClaim": PvcAnalyzer{},
"Service": ServiceAnalyzer{},
"Ingress": IngressAnalyzer{},
"StatefulSet": StatefulSetAnalyzer{},
"CronJob": CronJobAnalyzer{},
"Node": NodeAnalyzer{},
我们这里就以 PodAnalyzer
func (PodAnalyzer) Analyze(a common.Analyzer) ([]common.Result, error) {
kind := "Pod"
"analyzer_name": kind,
// search all namespaces for pods that are not running
list, err := a.Client.GetClient().CoreV1().Pods(a.Namespace).List(a.Context, metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var preAnalysis = map[string]common.PreAnalysis{}
for _, pod := range list.Items {
var failures []common.Failure
// Check for pending pods
if pod.Status.Phase == "Pending" {
// Check through container status to check for crashes
for _, containerStatus := range pod.Status.Conditions {
if containerStatus.Type == "PodScheduled" && containerStatus.Reason == "Unschedulable" {
if containerStatus.Message != "" {
failures = append(failures, common.Failure{
Text: containerStatus.Message,
Sensitive: []common.Sensitive{},
// Check through container status to check for crashes or unready
for _, containerStatus := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if containerStatus.State.Waiting != nil {
if containerStatus.State.Waiting.Reason == "CrashLoopBackOff" || containerStatus.State.Waiting.Reason == "ImagePullBackOff" {
if containerStatus.State.Waiting.Message != "" {
failures = append(failures, common.Failure{
Text: containerStatus.State.Waiting.Message,
Sensitive: []common.Sensitive{},
// This represents a container that is still being created or blocked due to conditions such as OOMKilled
if containerStatus.State.Waiting.Reason == "ContainerCreating" && pod.Status.Phase == "Pending" {
// parse the event log and append details
evt, err := FetchLatestEvent(a.Context, a.Client, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
if err != nil || evt == nil {
if evt.Reason == "FailedCreatePodSandBox" && evt.Message != "" {
failures = append(failures, common.Failure{
Text: evt.Message,
Sensitive: []common.Sensitive{},
} else {
// when pod is Running but its ReadinessProbe fails
if !containerStatus.Ready && pod.Status.Phase == "Running" {
// parse the event log and append details
evt, err := FetchLatestEvent(a.Context, a.Client, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
if err != nil || evt == nil {
if evt.Reason == "Unhealthy" && evt.Message != "" {
failures = append(failures, common.Failure{
Text: evt.Message,
Sensitive: []common.Sensitive{},
if len(failures) > 0 {
preAnalysis[fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)] = common.PreAnalysis{
Pod: pod,
FailureDetails: failures,
AnalyzerErrorsMetric.WithLabelValues(kind, pod.Name, pod.Namespace).Set(float64(len(failures)))
for key, value := range preAnalysis {
var currentAnalysis = common.Result{
Kind: kind,
Name: key,
Error: value.FailureDetails,
parent, _ := util.GetParent(a.Client, value.Pod.ObjectMeta)
currentAnalysis.ParentObject = parent
a.Results = append(a.Results, currentAnalysis)
return a.Results, nil
Pod 分析器通过获取所有的 Pod 对象,然后通过 FetchLatestEvent
函数来获取 Pod 对象的事件,并将这些错误信息记录下来。
到这里其实还有 AI 没有任何关联,就是简单收集相关资源对象的事件,但是如果指定了 --explain
参数,那么就会通过 config.GetAIResults
函数来获取 AI 的解决方案了:
if explain {
err := config.GetAIResults(output, anonymize)
if err != nil {
color.Red("Error: %v", err)
func (a *Analysis) GetAIResults(output string, anonymize bool) error {
if len(a.Results) == 0 {
return nil
var bar *progressbar.ProgressBar
if output != "json" {
bar = progressbar.Default(int64(len(a.Results)))
for index, analysis := range a.Results {
var texts []string
for _, failure := range analysis.Error {
if anonymize {
for _, s := range failure.Sensitive {
failure.Text = util.ReplaceIfMatch(failure.Text, s.Unmasked, s.Masked)
texts = append(texts, failure.Text)
parsedText, err := a.AIClient.Parse(a.Context, texts, a.Cache)
if err != nil {
// FIXME: can we avoid checking if output is json multiple times?
// maybe implement the progress bar better?
if output != "json" {
_ = bar.Exit()
// Check for exhaustion
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "status code: 429") {
return fmt.Errorf("exhausted API quota for AI provider %s: %v", a.AIClient.GetName(), err)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("failed while calling AI provider %s: %v", a.AIClient.GetName(), err)
if anonymize {
for _, failure := range analysis.Error {
for _, s := range failure.Sensitive {
parsedText = strings.ReplaceAll(parsedText, s.Masked, s.Unmasked)
analysis.Details = parsedText
if output != "json" {
_ = bar.Add(1)
a.Results[index] = analysis
return nil
函数的核心就是循环前面得到错误信息,然后通过 a.AIClient.Parse
函数来调用 AI 的相关接口来获取解决方案,默认的 AI 提供者是 OpenAI,前面我们提到过可以通过运行 k8sgpt generate
通过 OpenAI 获取错误信息的解决方案的核心代码如下所示:
func (a *OpenAIClient) Parse(ctx context.Context, prompt []string, cache cache.ICache) (string, error) {
inputKey := strings.Join(prompt, " ")
// Check for cached data
cacheKey := util.GetCacheKey(a.GetName(), a.language, inputKey)
if !cache.IsCacheDisabled() && cache.Exists(cacheKey) {
response, err := cache.Load(cacheKey)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if response != "" {
output, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(response)
if err != nil {
color.Red("error decoding cached data: %v", err)
return "", nil
return string(output), nil
response, err := a.GetCompletion(ctx, inputKey)
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = cache.Store(cacheKey, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(response)))
if err != nil {
color.Red("error storing value to cache: %v", err)
return "", nil
return response, nil
将错误信息拼接成一个字符串,然后通过 a.GetCompletion
函数来调用 AI 的相关接口来获取解决方案,核心的 GetCompletion
func (c *OpenAIClient) GetCompletion(ctx context.Context, prompt string) (string, error) {
// Create a completion request
content := fmt.Sprintf(default_prompt, c.language, prompt)
resp, err := c.client.CreateChatCompletion(ctx, openai.ChatCompletionRequest{
Model: c.model,
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessage{
Role: "user",
Content: content,
if err != nil {
return "", err
return resp.Choices[0].Message.Content, nil
这里通过 Go 语言版本的 OpenAI SDK 去调用 OpenAI 的相关接口来获取解决方案,核心就是要拼凑 Prompts 提示词,默认的提示词内容如下所示:
default_prompt = `Simplify the following Kubernetes error message delimited by triple dashes written in --- %s --- language; --- %s ---.
Provide the most possible solution in a step by step style in no more than 280 characters. Write the output in the following format:
Error: {Explain error here}
Solution: {Step by step solution here}
然后是有 language 和错误信息格式化默认的提示词,并告诉 ChatGPT 一步一步的给出解决方案,输出的格式为:
Error: {Explain error here}
Solution: {Step by step solution here}
所以整体上来说 k8sgpt